Skyline of Frankfurt am Main (aka Mainhattan) at germany.
Enjoy the sunset and sunrise based on local time.
Frankfurt am Main is a small city compared to other metropolises but or because of that it has a very beautiful skyline. The European Central Bank is one of the nice skyscrapers located in Frankfurt.
This wallpaper is optimized for portrait and landscape mode for displays up to 1280x800 pixel.
Please note that this live wallpaper do not include any animation. This also ensures that this wallpaper do not consume more power than a static wallpaper.
GPS fine permission is used to calculate exact time of sunset and sunrise. To avoid high power consumption this App does not turn on GPS but the last known position is used.
---------------- Install:
Menu button -> Wallpaper -> Live Wallpapers -> Select Frankfurt City Live Wallpaper
- Sunrise/Sunset based on actual position
- Sunrise/Sunset based on time of image origin (Frankfurt)
- Manually set time of sunrise/sunset
- Slide show mode
天际线Frankfurt am Main的(又名Mainhattan)在德国。
菜单键 - >壁纸 - >动态壁纸 - >选择法兰克福市动态壁纸
- 日出/日落的基础上的实际位置
- 日出/日落时间的图像源(法兰克福)
- 手动设置时间日出/日落
- 幻灯片放映模式